Earthing / Grounding,

Silence, Meditation

& Breath Coaching

The power of Silence

Silence offers opportunities for self-reflection and daydreaming.

It gives us time to turn down the inner noise and increase awareness of what matters most.

We are fast becoming a noise polluted world that over stimulates us and this is harmful to both our minds and physical health. Finding moments where we can be in silence and solitude can help heal some of these challenges.

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Silence is not the absence of something but the presence of everything . . . It is the presence of time, undisturbed. It can be felt within the chest.

Silence nurtures our nature, our human nature, and lets us know who we are.

Left with a more receptive mind and a more attuned ear, we become better listeners not only to nature but to each other. Silence can be carried like embers from a fire. Silence can be found, and silence can find you. Silence can be lost and also recovered. But silence cannot be imagined, although most people think so. To experience the soul-swelling wonder of silence, you must hear it.” 

― Gordon Hempton


You can meditate in a multitude of ways from using your breath, guided meditations utilising your imaginary sense, movement and silence.

We offer a number of meditations both in person and online.

The styles are varied and include

Nature meditations such as EcoNidra, breath awareness, mindful moments and Mindfulness meditations through to silence and silent walks and guided visualisations.

We have a couple of weeks a year when we offer daily Nature invitations - this is also a great way of combing silence, present moment awareness and Nature.

A few of our meditations can also be found on Insight Timer app, which is free and you can follow me via the link below to kept up to date of new recordings and live events.

Earthing / Grounding

Earthing or Grounding is essentially touching the ground with your bare skin.

We were never meant to be so disconnected as we are today and our health and wellbeing have suffered as a result of this.

If we look back at our ancestors their shoes were animal skin, they slept on the earth and spent vast amount of time in Nature. Today we have tall high rise buildings, rubber soles on our shoes and our urban techno lifestyles are disconnecting us more and more.

Studies have shown that spending time to connect with the earth and its natural sources and electrical flow can help to reduce inflammation, pain, help with circulation and improve sleeping patterns.

We offer this practice through our day retreats and also as part of our 1-1 coaching sessions in Nature.

You can contact me via email below to discuss how we could work together and bring this practice into your life.

Breath Coaching

Breath is a powerful tool. We can utilise our breath to help balance our nervous system and increase our sense of wellbeing. Our breath has the power to change our physiology and emotions, when utilised consciously.

Using a number of exercises within three categories that invigorate, balance and relax this 1-1 breath coaching is designed around your needs and helps you to develop a daily practice of short breathing techniques to reduce stress, promote clarity, better sleeping patterns and overall health and wellbeing.

Join our one month program offered one to one to tailor to your needs. Whether you need to improve your breath to manage stress and anxieties or to increase your health and wellbeing we will teach you a number of breathing techniques and help you integrate them into your life. READ MORE

Initially we offer a 15 minute discovery consultation for free to find out more and how we can work together.

Mindful Living

Mindful Living is a way of using your every day actions and engaging with them in a more focussed and present moment way.

This is a 6 chapter self directed study course that can be taken as quickly or slowly as you wish.

The focus for this course has been for those that often the one hour meditations that classical mindfulness courses offer are too demanding initially; especially when you are wading through the pressures and overwhelms of each day.

This is simple to follow, starting with a simple breath and your journey has then commenced. Each chapter builds on the previous and later in the program it provides access to some of the meditations which are optional and can be utilised when ever you feel ready to do so.

This is now being offered on Insight Timer Plus ( free for members)