Private one to one

Nature Coaching

Compassion Based Supervision

Are you looking to incorporate more relaxation, more embodiment and a sense of ease into your life?

Nature based therapies are a great way to help you achieve this.

From Nature and Forest Therapy sessions, Nature Meditations, Nature Coaching sessions and sessions where you are just held in the stillness and silence of the natural world

then this could be for you……

 Nature is the Healer

I simply open the doors.

One to One in NATURE

An individualised tailored session to work on your specific needs.

This is a special day with YOU being the total focus. Supported by the natural world, each session is unique to what presents on that day. Often this is around self compassion, self esteem and perfectionism. Clients state that they gain clarity, a sense of worth and inner resilience and a clear pathway with tools to continue this journey.

1 x 4 hour session: £ 290

Coaching / Mentoring Package

Showing up in the world to share your gifts with others can be quite daunting, even when you have a suite offerings.

These sessions (all 1-2-1 ) help you to gain a clarity of what it is that you want to give to others, how your want to do this and creating goals and actions to achieve your dream.

This offers focus, practicalities, action and self development all in one. Contact me for an initial discussion to see how we could work together. (In person or online)

6 x 75 minute sessions: £495

Individual sessions £90 (75 minutes)

Compassion based Supervision

Walking our walk and continuing our own practice, development and gaining support is imperative when you are working with others and holding delicate spaces.

A space to bounce ideas, discuss challenges and re focus to your heart and core values to offer an authentically aligned service.

Ongoing supervision can be arranged monthly, every second month or quarterly.